Native Android Mobile App Development
Native Android Mobile App Development


CloudMonitoring is a cloud-based remote monitoring system that offers hosted, all-in-one monitoring of your equipment – 24 hours a day, seven days a week, accessible from anywhere

Technology Stack Used:

Android X, Kotlin, Coroutines, Firebase, Retrofit, Glide, LiveData, Jetpack Compose.

Project Information


Date: 06/20 - 01/22

Agency: Glimpsys Technologies

Project Description

The app development process was smooth sailing as a functional prototype of the iOS app was already available. My primary task involved leveraging the latest Android X technologies to create the Android version of the app.

For our backend service, we rely on the power of Google Cloud and Firebase.

From the Android standpoint, the foundation was built upon Android X, utilizing Kotlin as the primary programming language. To expedite and simplify development, I leveraged libraries such as Retrofit, Picasso, Room, and Glide.

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